Training portal for Prevent

Prevent is a voluntary organisation owned by the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation and the Swedish Federation of Salaried Employees in Industry and Services. It aims to improve working environments by providing information and training.

Thousands of people take Prevent’s courses every year. These courses can take place both in classrooms and remotely, and some are free of charge. As part of a total overhaul of Prevent’s systems, the decision was taken to invest in a training portal. The aim was to streamline training administration, and to provide better support of distance learning. Future First was appointed to manage the tendering process.

The challenge

To find a system that could meet Prevent’s requirements.


A number of meetings were initially held about trends in digital learning and digital business models. Following a review of the conditions and requirements, both within the organisation and for the target group, a number of strategic recommendations were presented, which Prevent’s management team made a decision on. Specifications were then established, along with a list of potential suppliers considered best able to meet the specified requirements.

The result

Prevent now has a new training administration system. All classroom-based training is currently managed using this system. The solution for the different types of distance learning is currently being implemented.